Friday 21 July 2017

Top 5: How to meet other Rail Enthusiasts

The big wide world gets bigger with every new Railway Photography Group posting, banning and frog march to the arch-Admins of Internet Forums. But, how do we all survive when we break free of the armchairs and meet actual real people in the real world?

As the Bash Mash Tour heads to the Gloucestershire and Warwickshire Railway. 

We are here to help.

#BashMashTour Special
Top 5 ways to meet Real People at Real Railways

5. Saying Hello

Here's the thing, we are rail enthusiasts and with it - a little awkward. We are all in the same boat of awkwardness looking down at RealTimeTrains rather than at other people. There is a level of acceptance that we are all deleting our browser history of what was on the last Tanks from Gresty Bridge.

Accept it. Then say Hello.

4.  The internet doesn't count

Yes, you've been dragged down to face a Court Marshall at Epping and Ongars Admins Lair (which is online in a Facebook Forum) and received a right royal banning. But that doesn't count. The internet doesn't count. Should you face the Admin of your least favourite Facebook Group, remember this and rise above the banning. 

(They'll hate it)

3. Everyone likes Green Arrow

As much as the hatred towards Pacers is universal. If you are stuck for something to say to your new friends and acquaintances that you find yourselves with in a Mark One heading to Winchcombe, remember that a conversation starter begins with the numbers 4771. 

'When they getting Green Arrow back then?'. And job done for conversation for the rest of the day.

2. Take photos, take photos of everything

Come on folks, we have the BM to run. Take photos of anything weird, normal or funny and send them in. Making it to BM is the ultimate accomplishment.

1. Do it again

Simply revert back to No.5 back to No.2 and don't think about this No.1. We all love numbers, start to love numbers that aren't on the side of DMUs and you will thank us later.


  1. Well I think if someone has deliberately created this arsehole in the border which seperates Lancashire from Yorkshire then govt.of both counties should take measurements to mend this arsehole.

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