Monday, 6 June 2016

Steam Locomotive makes up mind and votes LEAVE in EU Referendum


Now we know you get it, the BM is here to hopefully make you smile, wince and moan. Then through a gift known as someone being a wally somewhere - a gem is created.

Now the EU Referendum is all anyone is talking about, whether we like it or not. But we really had to do our homework when we checked that an actual Rail Tour would be heading to London, filled with supporters of the 'Brexit' campaign with the sole aim of letting them 'mingle' all the way to Bristol.

Check our sources,

Re-check, rub our eyes but no - a gem has been created in front of our very eyes.

At the head of said train will not be a maroon Diesel out there to make everyone like it again, because we know exactly what it will be. The Locomotive made for the job.

Actually no, this locomotive is far too busy being 'The Flying Scotsman' and exciting Trespassers to join the party. 

It indeed turns out that if you have the luxury of owning a steam locomotive you can simply whack that on the front and hey Brussels, you are immediately giving the 'mingle' some sting. Now you have a party that gets those voters mingling.

The duty of hauling the minglers falls to 46100 'Royal Scot'. Undoubtedly one of the most famous Steam Locomotives in the world and owned by the organiser of said mingling, Jeremy Hosking.


The most famous steam locomotive from the flock of LMS locomotives, probably, is in fact owned by a charity. The Royal Scot Locomotive and General Trust - the clue is in the title.

A Charity providing their steam locomotive to enable 'leading supporters of the Brexit campaign taking their message around the country as decision day'. Now we get the smack of insecurity when railway 'charities' compete against life saving charities for people's cash, when the aim of said charity is to make a steam locomotive work again it should make us feel a little uneasy that money is indeed not saving someone's life. 

But we are free to spend our money as we wish. 

It is good to see the Royal Scot Locomotive and General Trust is meeting its aims to 'advance the education of the public'. Right? With £7M in donations into the trust over the past year it is good to see it raising public awareness and achieving its aims.

So, the crux of all of these details is this - 

A Steam Locomotive Votes Leave

The charity is working correctly to advance the education of the public.

Indeed a charity can only kick off political campaigning in 'the context of supporting the delivery of its charitable purposes'. Vote Leave = Advance the Education of the Public in Steam Locomotives. They go together like Chris Evans and Matt LeBlanc. A match made in awkwardness.

Heading back to that boring guidance again, indeed Trustees of the Royal Scot Locomotive and General Trust 'must not allow their charity to be used as a vehicle for the expression of the political views of any individual trustee'. 46100 'Royal Scot' is most definitely not a vehicle of the Royal Scot Locomotive and General Trust. Phew.

Now this is what really made us chuckle and it is all down to one of our contributors to the BM Facebook Page.

That locomotive, the one we all thought was the Nations but is indeed protected by a charity instead. Will be out and about the UK voting Brexit, mingling with the believers, stopping for lunch and mingling a little more. The appalling shock and horror is that locomotive in front will be looked after by 'them over there'.

The Referendum (BREXIT) Express will be run by Germany

The Crew that makes that Royal locomotive chuff all the minglers and leaders of 'Brexit' along the track will be employees of DB Schenker, owned by Deutsche Bahn, owned by Germany, owned by Angela Merkel. 

If we made it up you'd be saying we used Photoshop.


  1. DB Cargo....not DB Schenker.... :/

    Nice article though :)

  2. That election statistic is a long-time out-of-date (if it were ever really "in date,"), over-inflated assessment of the importance placed on who convinces blacks to vote for them.guarantor loans
